November 11, 2008

Mosaic of answers

I spent the better part of today reading blogs and found this fun mosaic on rainy day goods . You type the answers to the questions in flickr and pick one of the picture from the first page. Each url you copy into the mosaic-maker, et voila, 12 random pictures of your life. It's fun to do!

The Questions:

  1. What is your first name? Shanna
  2. What is your favorite food? Marsepein (I think it's marzipan in English?)
  3. What high school did you go to? Bonhoeffer
  4. What is your favorite color? Greenblue
  5. Who is your celebrity crush? Jennifer Love Hewitt
  6. What is your favorite drink? Tea
  7. Dream vacation? Ireland
  8. Favorite dessert? Applepie
  9. What do you want to be when you grow up? Mother
  10. What do you love most in life? Family
  11. One word to describe you? Creative
  12. Your flickr name? Shanna.dijkstra

The funny thing is that most pictures don't seem to have a connection to the words I searched, but it looks nice, almost as a puzzle.